Senior College 10-12

Student leadership

From the time students enter our Senior College they are encouraged to think of themselves as leaders.

From the time students enter our Senior College they are encouraged to think of themselves as leaders. They have influence and that will always be the way: at school (as they wear a white shirt); at home (some may have their own families within 5 years!); in sport teams; in classes; in project groups at school; university; and work.

Their personal influence is discussed in many contexts during Senior College years and in particular the fact that this influence needs to be positive, constructive and motivated by a genuine concern for the wellbeing and best of ‘the other’. The model of Jesus as servant leader is held up as exemplary.

Specific Leadership opportunities include:

Peer Support

At the end of Year 10 the majority of students undergo Peer Support training. The focus is on Year 11 students supporting the enculturation of incoming Year 7’s during the following Term 1. Teams of 5-7 students are then chosen from each House to work with the House Groups in Year 7. The team are taught how to create a programme, to run and then evaluate each ‘lesson’ and the programme as a whole.

A Peer Support programme coordinator oversees the training, selection and activity of the team.

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Following representations from students a couple of years ago, an SRC was formed to facilitate the inclusion of student voice in developing proposals for new, or improvements to existing aspects of the school-life.

The SRC is reconstituted annually through a process of personal nomination and includes 2 students from each Year Group in Secondary School. It is an opportunity for those with ideas and opinions to present their views along with those of others.

An SRC Coordinator assists with the development and submission of proposals under the auspices of the Director of Wellbeing and Character.

Student Leader Team

The School Student Leadership Team is constituted from applicants in Year 11, commencing their one year term at the beginning of Term 3.

The team includes:

  • Male and Female Captains and Vice Captains;
  • 8 House Captains;
  • Drama, Music, Cru and Service Captains;
  • 2 Sport Captains; and
  • a number of Prefects with special portfolios.

The role of this team is to serve the School and its students. They promote the School to the outside community and promote and develop the culture of the School with current students. In particular, they assist staff in their particular areas of responsibility. The Team, and particularly the Captains, are the student voice to staff on a variety of issues.

Student applications for this team are processed by relevant staff and the final team is an appointment of the Head of School in consultation with senior staff.

The team is mentored and guided by the Deputy Head of Senior College.

Apart from the above avenues, students are heard by any staff member they wish to approach. In particular, their Tutor and Head of House have ready ears to hear and help deal with issues students may have. Additionally, a large number of focus groups are constituted throughout the year to get feedback on such things as wellbeing programmes, exit views of Year 12 students, and uniform changes.

Clearly, leadership is developed through a variety of different team contexts, such as sport, theatresports, debating, outdoor education trips, service activities, House activities, and in-class group work. Leadership is deliberately reflected on in these contexts.

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