Senior College 10-12

Gifted Education programme

Gifted and talented students are recognised as having unique educational needs and are catered for in order that their learning outcomes are optimised.

Gifted Education programme

Our Extension classes in Year 10 in core subjects and advanced classes in others, together with cluster grouping, extension and enrichment, aims to support the intellectual needs of our gifted and talented students. In addition, subject and year group acceleration is another option for our highly gifted students.

In Years 11–12, the educational needs of our gifted students are met through the HSC programme in Advanced and Extension classes, with similar options available for students opting to participate in the IBDP.

Gifted Education programmes and opportunities in Senior College include:

  • Gifted identification and assessment
  • The development of a Gifted Education Profile (GEP) for highly gifted students
  • Academic coaching and interventions for gifted students who are Twice Exceptional, underachieving or EAL/D
  • Collaborative planning with teachers, students and parents to meet the unique learning needs of gifted and talented students
  • Social-emotional programmes and interventions, geared towards the specific needs of gifted and talented students 
  • Project Catalyst, our in-house peer mentorship programme 
  • The opportunity to enrol in first year university courses in a number of subjects, for our highly and profoundly gifted students who require academic challenge and variety

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