Gawura School


Our focus on character development means we offer a wide variety of sports that teach our students both grit and resilience, which is essential both inside and outside of the classroom.

Our Kindergarten to Year 6 sport programme focuses on the development of fundamental movement skills.

K-2 students participate in gymnastics and swimming programmes to provide foundational skills.

Students in Years 3-6 focus on developing a range of skills in a different sport each term. Sports included are Auskick, gymnastics, tennis, AFL, touch football, football, netball, Tee-ball, cricket, volleyball and athletics.

Students in Years 4-6 are invited to participate in seasonal weekly inter-school competitions provided by ASISSA (an inter-school sporting association). All Years 3-6 students participate in the School’s three major carnivals for swimming, cross country and athletics. 

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