St Andrew's Cathedral School

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First Nations scholarships

All of our First Nations students are provided with every opportunity to thrive. Our unique model of education ensures they are known, valued and proud of their heritage.

Scholarships are awarded to a small number of First Nations students entering Kindergarten in Gawura. 

Join us in Kindergarten 2025!

Gawura Applications

First Nations students who attend Gawura are supported with full scholarships through the School’s scholarship programme.

To apply for a place at Gawura, please first contact either:

(02) 9286 9500

Mr John Ralph
Head of Gawura

Applications are open for Kindergarten 2025 and beyond.

Gawura offers up to six scholarships each year to new Kindergarten students.

Scholarships are provided for the duration of your child’s schooling at Gawura from Kindergarten to Year 6. On completion of Year 6, students are typically offered a scholarship to complete their secondary education at St Andrew’s Cathedral School.

Read Gawura’s Enrolment Policy here.

Gawura scholarships are funded by a combination of government grants together with the generous donations of individuals, corporate donors and philanthropic foundations. We thank each and every donor for their extraordinary generosity.

Scholarships cover tuition fees and additional needs like uniforms, participation in St Andrew’s Cathedral School activities, including camps and excursions, and additional classroom resources. Students have the opportunity to learn music and to attend a large variety of after school activities including Code Camp and dance classes. Families are charged a fee of $250 per term, plus an extra $50 for each additional sibling each term.

All scholarships are subject to meeting the school’s enrolment criteria outlined below.

Applications for Kindergarten 2025 are being accepted now. We also welcome enquiries about vacancies in other year groups.

Enrolment application documents

To apply for a scholarship at Gawura, please print out, fill in and return the Gawura Enrolment Application Form with copies of:

  • preschool reports, if you have them and are applying for Kindergarten
  • if applying for a place from Year 1 up, the last two years of school reports
  • Certificate of Aboriginality or Torres Strait Islander
  • student’s birth certificate or passport
  • parent/guardian’s Australian driver’s licence or passport
  • student’s immunisation history
  • A criteria of the scholarship is financial need. Please attach any evidence of financial support currently received through Family Tax Benefit Payments
  • any other supporting documents.

Enrolment criteria

Applicants will be shortlisted and then invited to an interview with a panel. Places will be decided based on the following criteria:

  • Commitment to education and motivation for learning and family commitment to being part of the School
  • Student’s academic progress and commitment to studies
  • Student’s demonstrated commitment to the School and their local community
  • Gender balance
  • Evidence of financial disadvantage
  • Pastoral considerations
  • Acceptance of the Christian values of the School.
To read more about Gawura, please click here.

For more information about enrolling in Gawura, please contact our Enrolments team via email or phone 02 9286 9500.