As a Christian school we have a responsibility to recognise a wide range of student abilities, and to provide challenging educational experiences for all students, helping them to achieve their God-given potential. This includes students of high academic potential, along with those who need additional support.
Specialised Learning in Gawura is led by the Specialised Learning Coordinator for the Junior School, who is supported by a team of teachers and aides. It is the role of Specialised Learning to work closely with teachers, students, parents, and outside professionals to cater to the individual needs of students. Our students also have access to counselors and child psychologists as part of our programme.
Tiered instruction and intervention within Gawura is as follows:
- Tier 1 – instruction – whole class programmes
- Tier 2 – intervention – PRELIT and MINILIT (literacy programmes)
- Tier 3 – intervention – MULTILIT (Reading Tutor Programme) and MULTILIT Extension
Services provided by the Specialised Learning team may include:
- In-class support
- Diagnostic assessment
- The development of Student Learning Plans
- 1:1 or small group academic organisational support where appropriate
- Parent information sessions
- Assistance with the modification of curriculum and assessment
- Transition programmes
- Collaborative planning with teachers, students, parents and outside professionals
- Determining appropriate adjustments for students with a disability
- Collection of data to access Commonwealth funding (NCCDSWD)
Students have access to Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy paid for by donors, if these are needed.
Gawura uses three formal methods of reporting on student progress to parents/carers. They are:
- School reports are issued at the conclusion of Semester 1 and 2 and provide a comprehensive summary of student progress
- Parent/teacher interviews which are held in Terms 1 and 3 for every year level and provide parents with an opportunity to meet with individual teachers to discuss their child’s progress.
- Conversations with individual class teachers throughout the year
Homework support
Gawura students who wish to receive support with their homework can join the Junior School Homework Centre co-curricular activity, which provides access to resources, teachers, and extra help in completing homework.
Several Gawura families utilise this option to help alleviate the stress of having their children complete homework at home, which usually happens around dinner time. There is a cost associated with attending Homework Club but this is covered for Gawura students by our generous donors.
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