A unique play space
Gawura has access to all the specialist staffing and facilities of the Junior School. Our students also have access to a bespoke Sport and Fitness Centre for our Physical Education lessons, a rooftop soccer field, basketball court and cricket nets ensure students daily access to essential sporting facilities. We also have an indoor basketball court, where students can play a myriad of sports from indoor soccer, netball, basketball and even fencing.

Specialist facilities
Our Year 4, 5 and 6 students undertake their Science lessons with Junior School students, in a fully equipped Science Laboratory and can often be found wearing their lab-coats and safety goggles as they become enthralled in experiments that only such a space allows. They have the wonderful opportunity to be taught by an experienced Secondary Science teacher.
Beyond this we have wonderful specialist Music facilities, including ensemble rooms, a recording studio, and performance spaces.

Dedicated classrooms
We have dedicated resourced classrooms for Mandarin, Music, Dance and Drama. Our modern, state-of-the-art Art Space is a favourite facility for all students to create a wide range of artworks.

City links and excursions
At Gawura, we use our unique location to assist learning through first-hand experiences of our city environment. Learning spaces extend beyond the school’s buildings to institutions and facilities in the city, including Darling Harbour, various museums, libraries and art galleries. We are also in close proximity to outdoor learning spaces such as Cook and Philip Pool, and the grounds of Sydney University.

Junior School and Gawura Library
Our beautiful, purpose-built Library in the heart of the Junior School and Gawura, is a vibrant, welcoming space for students from Kindergarten through to Year 6, as well as teachers and parents. It is a place to meet, explore, discover and learn together.
The library is open every lunchtime with a rotation of board games, puzzles, colouring, craft and STEM activities scheduled for each day. Our collection of books, ebooks, audiobooks and magazines are constantly updated to meet the changing needs and interests of the Junior School and Gawura community and students are supported and encouraged to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge.
Browse and Borrow sessions are timetabled for each class, once a week and Teacher Librarians provide information and media literacy lessons to each class from K-6 on a weekly basis.
Book Club is offered as a co-curricular before school each term for students in Years 3-4 (Thursday) and Years 5-6 (Friday).
The Library hosts several school-wide events which are a highlight of the school calendar including the annual Book Week parade, author and illustrator visits, National Simultaneous Storytime, and Grandparent’s Day.

Kirrikee Outdoor Education Centre
The school‘s own property, Kirrikee, in the Southern Highlands of NSW is a purpose built outdoor education centre on 120 acres of rolling, cleared grazing country, bushland and wetlands, bordered by Paddy’s River. It is located on the traditional lands of the Gundungurra people (but quite near the lands of the Tharawal people).
Kirrikee provides the opportunity to take learning beyond the classroom and students from Year 3 to Year 6 attend a suitably age-appropriate outdoor education programme there once each year.
Each programme aims to challenge, change and encourage students emotionally, relationally and spiritually. The focus in the primary ages is to have fun and give these young students a taste of the Australian bush, with time away from the normal comforts and security of home, together with outdoor recreation skill development. It is considered an important component of the curriculum.
The name Kirrikee is a derivation of the Indigenous word ‘kirrkie’ for a Whistling Kite, the bird that is pictured in our logo.

For a full list of all of the School’s facilities visit:
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