St Andrew's Cathedral School

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St Andrew’s Cathedral School is a leading city-based, globally-connected learning community that seeks to be authentically Christian.


Our vision is to inspire students to be passionate, creative learners who engage with the message of Christ and fully develop their gifts and abilities in order to serve in the world.

School Motto 

The motto was given to the school by William Samarez Smith, Sydney’s first Archbishop in 1890. 

“Via Crucis – Via Lucis” 


“The way of the cross is the way of light.” 


Our school motto points towards the centrality of the cross of Christ in all that we do. Christ’s sacrificial example points us towards how to live. Indeed, it provides a light for us as we chart a path in life. It also holds meaning for every challenge that students face – intellectually, physically, spiritually or emotionally in that, without sacrifice (the way of the cross) there is no glory (the way of light).    

School Values

Seeking to honour and follow Jesus Christ, we will:

  • Depend on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance, to act in conformity to the teaching of scripture as God’s word
  • Exercise Godly virtues such as grace, integrity and justice
  • Emphasise the worth of each person, individually and in community
  • Strive to grow whole people (spiritually, intellectually, physically, in creative expression and in wisdom).

2023 Annual Reports