Students of all sporting abilities are welcome, with all students encouraged to strive for excellence.
We want all participants, across all ability levels, to develop and improve their sporting skills and sport specific fitness. The Winter Sport Programme is compulsory for all students in Years 7 to 11.
We are very supportive of students who excel in a sport not offered as part of the St Andrew’s Sports Programme. Students can apply to be supported to pursue pathways to school, regional, state and national representation in these other sports.
Our focus on character and the holistic development of students means we offer a wide variety of sports and sporting competitions throughout the year.
Specialist development coaches
We employ highly skilled coaching staff, many of whom have achieved at the highest level of their sport. We have specialist development coaches in Football, Fencing, Basketball, Hockey, Netball and Rugby.
Our head coaches are supported by a talented pool of staff, many of whom are highly trained in coaching or have performed at the highest level of sport.
We have a full-time Athlete and Team Development Manager, whose primary role is to oversee the individual and team skill and strength development of all students at school, working closely with our highly experienced strength and conditioning coaches, PDHPE staff, coaching staff and our students, to develop training programmes and drills that will improve health and performance.
Inter-school competitions
The School is a member of the Independent Sporting Association (ISA) for secondary inter-school competitions. There are 19 member schools and eight associate members. In addition, we offer other sports and activities to facilitate opportunities for students who may not be interested in those provided by the ISA.
For the Junior School, St Andrew’s is a member of All Suburbs Independent School Sport Association (ASISSA) and competes against other member schools.
Our city location allows our students the opportunity to play and participate in high quality environments — most programmes are based at Sydney University and Wentworth Park.
Our highly qualified strength and conditioning coaches support all sports in our strength and conditioning gym. The school also has a general use gymnasium with a basketball court, along with a new strength and conditioning room and spin room on site.
The following sports are formally taught.
- Basketball
- Tennis
- Football (soccer)
- Athletics
- Netball
- Oz-tag
- Tee-ball
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Running/cross-country
- Touch football
- Rugby
- Water polo
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