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Dash Eck: Getting a taste for drama


Dash has been playing violin and singing since he was six years old, but it wasn’t until he joined St Andrew’s Cathedral School that he was exposed to the extravagant world of drama. Now, Dash has well and truly immersed himself into the music and drama opportunities at our school having attended the 2023 Music Tour to Italy and participating in several Major Drama Productions. To find out more about Dash and his future plans, keep reading.

St. Andrew’s Cathedral School violinist Dash Eck.

Posted by 2023 SACS Music Tour on Sunday, April 16, 2023

What was your favourite memory at St Andrew’s Cathedral School?

The 2023 Music Tour to Italy. The performing venues were incredible (including a gondola!), as were the memories performing with friends. It was great to have the opportunity to communicate with and develop connections across year groups, doing something we can all do, which is to make music.

When did you realise performing was your passion?

I always enjoyed performing music; I have been playing the violin and singing since I was six. But it wasn’t until I joined St Andrew’s Cathedral School that I was exposed to drama, and I was so excited by the many options for performing. I started out within Annie, which was amazing because it offered both music and drama combined. I now find musicals so rewarding, because  when music and drama come together together, they’re just amazing.

You also have experience composing, tell us about that!

Yes, I competed in Composer of the Year twice. The first time – in Year 10 – I simply wanted to practice my composition skills. The second year – in Year 11 – I leaned more into the theme, which was all around Egyptian music. I composed a piece for three violins, an oboe and a cello. It was a great experience.

Was there a subject that surprised you?

Environmental Science. It was a small class, so we connected really strongly with our teacher. It was also highly relevant to what we experience in real life. The process of life and the beginning, and why things are the way they are – I found it fascinating.

“At St Andrew’s Cathedral School…I was exposed to drama performance, and I was so excited by the many options for performing.”

What do you hope to do next?

I plan on auditioning for the Conservatorium of Music, then going overseas to a music university. I’d like to study professional conducting, but I’m also really interested in film. I explored this in my current major work for English Extension II, which was about psychogeography – the impacts on the environment and how we view the place around us.